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How Periscope TV Improves Your Marketing Strategy

Periscope is a new platform for social media where live streaming is involved. The platform was acquired by Twitter even before it was released to the public. Basically, what happens is that anybody who has Periscope installed on their iPhones will be able to broadcast what they are seeing on their cameras in real time, sharing the experience with the world.

This makes Periscope a perfect platform to be used for social media marketing. The videos can be streamed live from the application while it can also be saved to your gallery after streaming. You can then post it to your social media accounts such as Twitter and Facebook.

The creators of Periscope had the idea that it would be much better to stream videos live and sharing it with the world so that viewers can see what the owner of the account is experiencing at the moment. For instance, a user at the Hunter Valley in Australia decides to broadcast their early morning hot air balloon experience while the sun rises on the horizon. Viewers from around the world who have tuned in the live broadcast will be able to witness this and will appreciate the fact that while they are not in the actual location, they will be able to see and experience the hot air balloon ride.

Periscope is also an ideal application to use for budding musicians. They can use Periscope as a marketing tool to give their fans an inside look to their activities.

Marketing is actually a problem for musicians who are still starting. Even though they have excellent customer service and more importantly, very good talent, they wouldn’t gain the attention they need without the right marketing. Periscope can help with this.

Musicians will not only get the advantage of videos, but they can also have a live chat with their viewers, through the simple chat feature included in the application. This way, talking to their fans will no longer be difficult; just make sure to give time as questions could come in large numbers. Why wouldn’t it, when the chat application is so simple to use?

Periscope will definitely help to boost any marketing strategy, so why not try it for yourself? It’s free to download on iTunes.

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