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The Novice’s Guide to Google Webmaster Tools

If you are an up and coming internet marketer or if you have plans on being one, there are certain tools that you need to equip yourself with to help you become more productive with your work.  One of them is Google Webmaster Tools.  This tool basically assists you by providing comprehensive reports related to various search engine optimization or SEO services that your website needs. For example, this tool shows you the indexed pages in your website which is very important for improved search results.  Indexed pages mean that it will be included in the relevant search results that Google will throw out whenever people would search for content.  Basically, Google Webmaster Tools helps you get your website out there in the open – propelling for more traffic and lucrative transactions.


Should you be interested in utilizing Google Webmaster, here are some basic and important things to remember about the said tool.  You are going to need a Google account to get started.  Luckily, if you have an existing Gmail account, you can easily log into Webmaster tools since the login details for Google are already centralized.  Secondly, you need to have your website listed first so that you can start tracking.  This is like a registration of some sort.  On the home page, look for the “Add a site” button and enter the necessary details that will follow.  Once you have added your website for tracking, you can now start digging deeper in terms of using the site.  The most useful and reliable part of Google Webmaster Tools would be the dashboard.  It provides a quick and comprehensive outlook of your website.  Details such as top search terms, related links to your website, and relevant keywords (among others) are presented in the dashboard.  For starters, not a lot of information would appear in the dashboard but this will really come in handy as you gather more data through time.  These are some of the quick and helpful tips that can help you get acquainted with the Google Webmaster Tools software. With the right amount of practice and perseverance in utilizing this program, your website will become a hit in no time.

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