B2B (Business-to-business)A business model in which a company sells products or services to other businesses.
B2C (Business-to-consumer)A business model in which a company sells products or services directly to consumers.
BacklinkA link from one website to another. Backlinks are a key factor in determining a website's authority and ranking in search results.
Behavioural dataData about the behaviour of website users, including clicks, views, and conversions. Behavioural data is used to improve user experience and conversion rates.
Black hat SEOSEO techniques that violate search engine guidelines and attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. Black hat SEO can result in penalties and a loss of visibility in search results.
BlogA website or section of a website used for regularly publishing content, often focused on a particular topic or niche. Blogs are used to share content and engage with users.
Blog commentA comment left by a user on a blog post, often used for link building and engagement.
BookmarkingThe practice of saving links to web pages for future reference, often used for personal organization and social sharing.
Bottom-of-the-funnel contentContent designed to convert users into customers, such as product pages and pricing information.
Bounce rateThe percentage of users who leave a website after visiting only one page, often used as a metric for website effectiveness. A high bounce rate can indicate poor user experience or irrelevant content.
BrandingThe process of creating and promoting a unique brand identity and image for a company or product.
Broken link buildingThe practice of finding broken links on other websites and offering to replace them with links to your own content. Broken link building can help to improve a website's authority and backlink profile.