Page authorityA metric used to predict how well a specific web page is likely to rank in search engine results based on its authority, backlinks, and other factors.
PageRankAn algorithm developed by Google co-founder Larry Page that measures the importance and authority of a web page based on the number and quality of its backlinks
Paid searchAdvertising that appears at the top of search engine results, marked as "sponsored" or "ad."
Panda algorithmA Google algorithm update introduced in 2011 that penalized websites with poor-quality or low-value content.
Pay-per-click (PPC)An advertising model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on an ad, often used for search and display advertising.
PenaltyA negative consequence imposed by search engines for violating their guidelines and best practices, often resulting in lower search engine visibility.
Penguin algorithmA Google algorithm update introduced in 2012 that penalized websites for using black hat SEO techniques such as link schemes and keyword stuffing.
PermalinkThe permanent URL of a web page, used for linking and bookmarking.
PersonalizationThe practice of customizing search engine results and advertising based on the user's search history and preferences.
PluginA software component that adds functionality to a website, often used to enhance features such as SEO and social sharing.
Pop-upA window or element that appears on a web page, often used for advertising or to prompt user actions.